Kraftwerk international limited is a boutique investment bank focusing on renewable energy power plants, energy storage solutions, electric vehicles, hydrogen technology, CCER trading, etc. It has the mission to catalyze China’s achieving emission peak by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060. It is committed to facilitate China’s energy transformation towards renewable energy, and helps Chinese large energy investors to invest in overseas renewable energy assets.
Kraftwerk International conducts its cross-border investment advisory through its global networks, including Asia, Europe, South America, and Africa.
Kraftwerk international also advises Chinese EPC contractors to deliver turnkey EPC projects in the renewable energy field.
Kraftwerk international has strong and stable customers groups such as Chinese SOE investors: SPIC, CTGI, CDT, CHD, etc.
Kraftwerk is one of the most active investment banks in the renewables sector based in China. The firm is a leading investment and EPC advisor to investors, EPCs, developers, owners, and operators and is outstandingly and continuously in the market with M&A and capital raising processes for company.
Our team has leading platform-level M&A practice with more than 50 transactions closed in the last three years and possesses the unique ability to provide real-time market information collectively gathered from the firm’s current platform transactions.